中原鉄也(drums) Tetsuya Nakahara
三船雅也(vocal/guitar) Masaya Mifune

2008年結成、東京出身の2人組ロックバンド。2010年に自主制作による1stEP「ROTH BART BARON」、2012年には2nd EP「化け物山と合唱団」をリリース。disk unionやJET SETから多大な支持を受ける。ギター、バンジョー、マンドリン、ピアノ、和太鼓、グ ロッケン、マリンバ、フィドルなど多種多様な楽器を使い、壮大なサウンドスケープと美しいメロディ、剥き出しの感情と生命力に満ちあふれた歌詞が作り出す圧倒的な世界観は日本の音楽シーンだけに留まらず、SoundCloudをはじめとする音楽系SNSサイトから多くの賞賛コメントを受けるなど、海外での評価も高い。2014年1月には初となるNYツアーを成功させ、4月には1st Album「ロットバルトバロンの氷河期」をリリース。

ROTH BART BARON is a new-generation duo based in Tokyo.Their first 2 independently released EPs were sold out after receiving supports by some Japanese independent record shops such as disk union and JET SET.The usage of various instruments such as guitar, banjo, mandolin, piano, taiko drum and fiddle, are combined to create an epic soundscape and aesthetic melody with lyrics full of vitality and raw passion. In 2012, ROTH BART BARON played at several prominent shows including the Japan’s biggest rock festival, SUMMER SONIC and international artists Japan shows as support act, which generated interest among Japanese audiences as up and coming artist. In January 2014, they toured NY with much success and the tracks published on SoundCloud received great responses on social networking sites among international audiences.Their 1st album “ROTH BART BARON’S THE ICE AGE” is going to be out on April 2014.